Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy

Ucebi - Donate

Tax deductible donations

Donations can be made to individual churches or directly to the UCEBI itself. If the donation is made to the church, it can be given directly to the church treasurer who will emit a certificate valid for tax purposes as delegated by the president.

If the donation is to be made directly to the UCEBI  please send an email to us asking for our bank details and we will provide them to you:


Support Project Zimbabwe

To send a donation to Project Zimbabwe to support Sanyati Baptist Hospital in Zimbabwe and the other joint projects developed in partnership with Baptist Convention of Zimbabwe ask uor bank details to: servizio.amminsistrativo[at]

For more information, please send an e-mail to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

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