Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy

Ucebi - Who we are

What is Ucebi

Principles and Values

The Baptist Union of Italy (UCEBI) brings together local churches born of the gospel witness started in Italy in the 1860’s. Founded in 1956 it replaced the Apostolic Baptist Union (UCAB) which, formed in 1884 by English and American missions working in taly, by 1924 had become the Italian Baptist Mission.

Italian Baptists belong to the family of Protestant Churches and are members of both international organizations such as the World Baptist Alliance, the European Baptist Federation, the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Conference of European Churches (KEK) as well as national ones such as the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI) whose head office is in Rome. In relation to Protestants in general, Italian Baptists share the same characteristics as Baptists world wide.

Baptism by immersion of believers

administered to all who make a personal confession of faith

Congregational ecclesiology

with its stress on the autonomy of the local church which, gathered together in assembly, elects its ministers (both women and men) and has full decisional power over all aspects of the church’s life. The assembly is made up of all baptized believers as well as believers from other protestant churches who accept Baptist principles.

Freedom of conscience

for every human being.

Separation of church and state

into two distinct spheres which do not interfere in each other’s area of competence.

What is Ucebi</h2><br />
<p><h1>Principles and Values

<p>The Baptist Union of Italy (UCEBI) brings together local churches born of the gospel
witness started in Italy in the 1860’s. Founded in 1956 it replaced the Apostolic
Baptist Union (UCAB) which, formed in 1884 by English and American missions working in
Italy, by 1924 had become the Italian Baptist Mission.</p>

<p>Italian Baptists belong to the family of Protestant Churches and are members of both
international organizations such as the World Baptist Alliance, the European Baptist
Federation, the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Conference of European Churches
(KEK) as well as national ones such as the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy
(FCEI) whose head office is in Rome. In relation to Protestants in general, Italian
Baptists share the same characteristics as Baptists world wide:</p>

<p><h1>Baptism by immersion of believers</h1><br />
administered to all who make a personal confession of faith.</p>

<p><h1>Congregational ecclesiology</h1><br />
with its stress on the autonomy of the local church which, gathered together in assembly,
elects its ministers (both women and men) and has full decisional power over all
aspects of the church’s life. The assembly is made up of all baptized believers as
well as believers from other protestant churches who accept Baptist principles.</p>

<p><h1>Freedom of conscience</h1><br />
for every human being.</p>

<p><h1>Separation of church and state</h1><br />
into two distinct spheres which do not interfere in each other’s area of competence.</p>

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