Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy

Ucebi - Baptists. Towards the 43rd Annual General Meeting of the Italian Baptist Union (UCEBI)

Rome (NEV), October 31, 2014 - From October 30 to November 2, in Chianciano (Siena), the 43rd General Assembly of the Evangelical Christian Baptist Union in Italy (UCEBI) is taking place. Convened every two years, the Assembly gathers a hundred pastors and delegates from local churches to evaluate the performance of the UCEBI Executive Committee, define priorities for the future work and discuss the Baptist witness in the Italian society. The general theme of the meeting is "God is faithful," a Bible verse taken from the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians (1: 9). Among the topics on the agenda, the definition of UCEBI long-term priorities; the relationship between the Baptist, Methodist and Waldensian churches; financial matters; guidelines for the use of the 8/1000 funds; a reflection on the crisis in our globalized world. In accordance with the 2012 UCEBI Assembly an evening has been scheduled on the issue of male violence against women. The Federation of the Evangelical Youth in Italy (FGEI) organized its "Youth Pre-Assemblyā€¯ for October 20th last.

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