Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy

Ucebi - Baptists. Concluded in Rome the Festival for the 150 years of Baptists’ presence in Italy

Rome (NEV), September 30, 2013 – A joyful party with great music and lots of moment consecrated to fraternity. This was the atmosphere of the Festival for the 150 years of Baptists’ presence in Italy held in Rome from 5 to 8 of September. The event was organized by the Christian Evangelical Baptist Union in Italy (UCEBI) on the premises of the Taylor Institute where about 400 people, coming from all over Italy, met not only for the celebration but also to renew their commitment to witness in the Country. The issues discussed proved this commitment that ranged from “eco-community” to prisons, from intergenerational relationships to multiculturalism, from migration issues to the political sphere. An exhibition way dedicated to baptist history, from the origins of the movement to the life of Italian Baptist congregations. A huge cake, on which headed the number 150, was shared by all the participants. What perhaps gave the sense of a witness coming from the past and looking to the future, were the three concerts, from tradition to modernity: from the hymns sung by grandparents and great-grandparents to those sung by grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Among the current topics the Syrian conflict was not forgotten and moments of prayer have been devoted to that situation together with a declaration of the UCEBI Executive Committee. Many guests, among whom Regina Claas, vice president of the Baptist World Alliance, Eugenio Bernardini, moderator of the Waldensian Church, Alessandra Trotta, president of the Methodist Churches’ Work Organization.


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