Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy

Ucebi - Discerning God’s Action in History

Had she done so she wouldn’t have hesitated to betray her Israelite guests. She could even have got something out of it, a reward. But Rahab discerns the signs of the times, she knows how to read history and knows that on the horizon clouds are looming which threaten Jericho’s survival. Maybe it was because her house was on the top of the city walls that Rahab had a priviliged look out post and could see what others couldn’t; she didn’t believe the news that was being handed out inside the walls of Jericho. They were just lies and said that thing’s couldn’t be better and that there was nothing to fear. Rahab, however, saw the dust of the battle which was raging against Sicon and Og, she could hear the sound of war, the cries of the wounded, the blood flowing like water. Furthermore, Rahab saw beyond the Red sea which had parted to let the Israelites through as they escaped from Egypt; she saw God’s plan, God’s arm raised to set the captives free and to bring down the world’s powerful and corrupt. Rahab clearly perceived that her salvation and that of her family depended on the new people which were advancing guided by God.

There are similarities between this story and the various Rahab or escorts whom we read in some (unfortunately not many) newspapers. One thing is clear: a certain disaffection for the “king of Jericho” even amongst those who would be happy with a bird in the hand. This disaffection or rather, complete lack of faith in the “king of Jericho” is not new for many Italians although it has made little headway. The reason being, it is said, in the lack of news or the biased news and half truths handed out inside the walls of the city. The kings courtiers are said to be too astute or too aggressive. Voices that could have been raised have remained silent so as not to lose their privileges. It’s even been said that what’s missing in Jericho is the Protestant ethic. The system is too weak and has been bent by the power of the strong. Yes, lots of things have been said, often contradicting each other in the hope of finding the right answer. Perhaps it is difficult to have the final word, as we can only say human words, penultimate words which it would be presumptuous to elevate to the level of ultimacy and say “It is God’s will”

However, as people who are guided by faith and not by weighing up the pros and cons which has nothing to do with faith, we are not resigned to prevarication, to laws which violate human rights and grant privileges to those who bear more responsibility. We’re not resigned to the fact that the people always have to wait for a leader able to create a consensus yet unable to find in him or herself strength for a real renewal. There is no guarantee that such a leader isn’t just dancing to his own tune. That is why we admire Rahab’s courage which led her to oppose the king and to discern God’s will where others only saw blurry images. In the Bible Rahab appears as a woman able to discern God’s action in history and to formulate a clear faith confession: “The Lord, your God, is Lord of heaven and earth” (Josh 2,11). We consider her a prophet who knows how to explain God’s action. She tells us that if we listen to God’s action, then we will even witness the collapse of the walls of Jericho. It would be wonderful if we were all like Rahab.

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