Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy

Ucebi - Message from the President of the UCEBI to the Regional Council of Christian Churches in Campania

A hundred years on from the missionary conference held in Edinburgh which marks the birth of the modern ecumenical movement, your new experience is born. Like Edinburgh, so this new Regional Council is not really the beginning of a journey but the first result of a movement in which many church realities have been already engaged on various levels in the diversified reality which makes up your region. It is, however, also a new beginning.

I express my appreciation because over the last few years the movement towards the unity of Christian churches has suffered several setbacks and many people have noted a decrease both in motivation and in engagement. Even though the movement towards dialogue among believers and the common mission is a minority one, it is here to stay. It relates (even though we are humbly aware of its limitations), to the prayer of our  Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and is a precious occasion offering  greater credibility to the witness of the Christian churches.

In Campania, where a  document taking a stand against the mafia and crime has recently been published jointly by the churches, the Council of Christian Churches which is officially founded today, has undoubtedly an important role to play.

At it’s  centre, the ministry of truth.

Together we need  once more to offer an incarnate preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ standing with the oppressed.

We need to denounce the counterfeit truths and ideologies which serve the violent and dishearten the weak.

We need to courageously denounce corruption in politics and superstition in religion.

You have an important task. You will need great faith, perseverance in prayer and the living strength of the Holy Spirit.

May God bless, protect and guide you.

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