Christian Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy

Ucebi - “Five per thousand” for the Italian Baptist Union - Ucebi

At its last sitting, the Executive Committee of the Italian Baptist Union decided to distribute the funds received from last year’s “five per thousand” in the following manner:

  1. To the Sanyati hospital in Zimbabwe for machine and vehicle maintenance as well as for the purchase of new mattresses and bedding.
  2. To the Tafara nutritional centre which is situated in an extremely poor area of Harare (the capital of Zimbabwe) to install a sewerage system.
  3. To support micro projects in youth education.
  4. To the G.B. Taylor rest home, Rome in support of the costs of low-income residents.

Our support granted to Zimbabwe, one of the most deprived and abandoned countries in the world, especially to the sick,  orphans, future generations and women is a concrete way of combating poverty to which as Baptist churches  who have adopted  the Millennium Goals we are committed. Our support to low-income elderly people aims to take into account the new poor whose numbers are increasing in our own country.

The “five per thousand” is only one way of lending a helping hand but it is a way open to every tax payer. We therefore ask you to make your choice carefully, as carefully as we will spend every euro we receive.

Here is the link to an Italian television broadcast on the engagement of the Italian Baptist churches in Zimbabwe.

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